The gang wars: Afros vs Mohawks

Cliff hanger alert,
This is the true story of two feuding gangs in the city of Los hairless
the Afros were the most influential gang in LH. They all had afros and despised anyone with a different hairstyle....
especially.... Mohawks.
the mohawks were the underdog gang in LH. The afros killed anyone with a mohawk.
eventually the afros got involved in the drug trade. They got all their money from selling the new, popular drug on the streets: hairspray aerosal cans. The kids these days always smoked those aerosol cans all up, and there was one place to get them: the afros.
One day the mohawks infiltrated the afros hairspray supply vault, but the leader of the mohawks, Tony MoHawk, was caught and brought to the afros leader, Afro Mojo Homo. Afro mojo grabbed his dual wield extended mag colt 45 and killed tony. The gang war was over.
or was it?